Cloud Migration Services and Solutions

Modernize your software with going cloud

Why is cloud migration important?

Cloud migration is the process of moving your software solution and digital assets to the cloud infrastructure.

This is an important step towards creating a service oriented, robust and scalable business infrastructure allowing organizations across the globe minimize the efforts to support complex infrastructure and focus on the business processes and goals.

Our Approach to Cloud Migration

Discovery phase

Design phase


Going live

Ongoing support


Determine the migration approach, strategy and KPIs

Key tasks
  • Analyze legacy environment, software and digital assets
  • Understand the pain points
  • Determine success drivers, formulate KPIs

1 month (may vary depending on the scope and complexity)


Migration strategy, preliminary tools and tech stack identification

  • To identify target state of the solution
  • To create a detailed migration plan
Key tasks
  • Identify target architecture
  • Select cloud vendor (tips on how to select the best cloud vendor)
  • Analyze legacy code for compatibility with the target architecture and plan refactoring / activities, redesign legacy software
  • Analyze data model and design potential transformations
  • Detailed implementation backlog (software, infrastructure, data transformation, ETL)

1-3 months

  • Solution architecture
  • Software gaps
  • Data transformation approach
  • Implementation backlog

Prepare software, infrastructure and data for migration


2-6 months

  • Cloud infrastructure setup
  • New version of software to be migrated
  • ETL tools
  • Cutover plan
  • Rollback strategy and tools

Production migration with minimal downtime


1 month


Live solution after migration


Minimize risks and costs of the migrated solution


Support tickets, software fixes and patches, software updates

Discovery phase

Determine the migration approach, strategy and KPIs

Key tasks
  • Analyze legacy environment, software and digital assets
  • Understand the pain points
  • Determine success drivers, formulate KPIs

1 month (may vary depending on the scope and complexity)


Migration strategy, preliminary tools and tech stack identification

Design phase
  • To identify target state of the solution
  • To create a detailed migration plan
Key tasks
  • Identify target architecture
  • Select cloud vendor (tips on how to select the best cloud vendor)
  • Analyze legacy code for compatibility with the target architecture and plan refactoring / activities, redesign legacy software
  • Analyze data model and design potential transformations
  • Detailed implementation backlog (software, infrastructure, data transformation, ETL)

1-3 months

  • Solution architecture
  • Software gaps
  • Data transformation approach
  • Implementation backlog

Prepare software, infrastructure and data for migration


2-6 months

  • Cloud infrastructure setup
  • New version of software to be migrated
  • ETL tools
  • Cutover plan
  • Rollback strategy and tools
Going live

Production migration with minimal downtime


1 month


Live solution after migration

Ongoing support

Minimize risks and costs of the migrated solution


Support tickets, software fixes and patches, software updates

Business Benefits of Cloud Migration

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  • Reduced overtime Total Cost Of Ownership
  • Higher software resilience and recovery capabilities
  • Independence from hardware vendors
  • Increased scalability
  • Better solution performance
  • Improved performance for distributed solutions

Our Cloud Migration Services

Cloud migration assessment and planning

We help customers analyse legacy environment and processes, define goals, KPIs and come up with the best strategy including: target cloud platform, ETL tools, migration approach and high-level migration plan

Cloud migration services

Full scale migration project from analysing existing legacy solutions, identifying tools, platforms, plans to implementing the migration strategy and post Go-live support.

Quality assurance of a migration project

When you are not happy with the existing supplier or project, your KPIs have not achieved or you need a 3d party to assess risks and come up with a mitigation plan, we’ll pull our best architects and Cloud experts to support ensure your successful Cloud migration.

Cloud infrastructure management and automation

We help clients set up and tune Cloud application management tools and technologies, by AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform and other vendors. By leveraging our proprietary technologies (SaM Solutions Rolling Stack) you can avoid a vendor lock and simplify Development and Operations of your Cloud software.

Cloud Consulting Services

Get a better understanding of your cloud migration options based on the expert opinion of our cloud architects and experienced lead engineers. Make sure you start executing on your cloud migration plan with a clear roadmap for what lies ahead.

Cloud Engineering Services

Take advantage of our multi-year experience working with the most popular cloud platforms and building scalable cloud applications. Leverage a multitude of existing services from leading cloud service providers to start saving from the get-go.

Cloud Optimization Services

Let SaM Solutions experts take a deep dive into your current cloud infrastructure and produce a detailed, step-by-step plan for streamlining storage and compute resource consumption. Pay exactly for what you use and not a dollar more.

AWS Cloud Services

Utilize the immense potential of AWS cloud services to the fullest with the help of our cloud architects and experienced development leads. Reduce the time to market by invoking the most powerful platform offerings and putting them to the best use possible.

Azure Cloud Services

Take the fast lane to your business goals using the incredible potential of Microsoft Azure services ranging from the most basic cloud deployments to ultra-complex systems relying on advanced AI tech and industry-specific solutions. Our engineers will be your guides through the maze of Azure services and will suggest the best strategy for achieving your goals.

Get in touch

Ready to Migrate to Cloud?

talk to an expert

4 Methods for effective cloud migration process

Moving the entire legacy app to the cloud infrastructure

Refactoring the legacy code to be cloud compliant and robust

Building a new cloud native application and migration of data and processes

Re-platforming or moving from one cloud platform to another

Cloud Migration Plan

Regardless of the approach a company uses, the migration plan would consist of the same 7 steps



Step includes creation of the backlog for migration project, describing tasks, their interdependencies, providing estimates and planning for the big picture implementation.



Step includes selection of the tasks for the release candidate, assigning them to the teams.



The team analyzes the tasks, designs the resulting feature/process, implements needed changes and applies them to the dev environment.



Code and data migration is tested in Quality Assurance environment, cutover plan is created for the release.



User Acceptance Testing is performed in Production-like environment using production or masked production data. Regression testing is performed to assure that the target solution would not be broken by the releasing features.


Operations and optimization

Ongoing support of your software in the cloud requires regular checks, system logs, cloud settings, backup, security, and data archiving.


Continuous Improvement

Includes all patches and fixes to the migration tools and code, as well as new automation scripts, patterns, and approaches.

Cloud Migration Checklist

Use our checklist to successfully manage your cloud migration processes

1. Discovery phase
2. Design phase
3. Migration phase
4. Go-Live phase

Platforms for Cloud Migration

Cloud Migration Tools


  • Migration Hub
  • Developer tools
  • Cloud Watch
  • Containers

Azure / Azure Goverment

  • Migrate
  • Azure Monitor/Application Insights
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Google Cloud Platform

  • Google Operations
  • Google Kubernetes Engine
  • Google Cloud Run
  • Google Application Migration etc

SaM Solutions proprietary Cloud Development and Operations Management solution – Rollingstack.

Delivery Models

Get in touch

Complete / Partial Project Implementation

Client provides the requirements and business knowledge, Contractor manages the end-to-end project and is responsible for creating and managing the team.

Extended Workbench

Client drives the project and manages separate resources provided by the Contractor.

Dedicated Team

Client assigns a separate scope/part of the project to the Contractor's team. The team is managed by the Contractor's Project Manager/tech lead and is responsible for the delivery of the entire task / scope.

Contracting Models

Let’s Talk

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Why cloud migration is important?
Cloud migration helps remove architectural bottlenecks in legacy on-prem applications and dramatically improve service scalability, expandability, performance, and TCO. Switching to a microservice-based architecture enables businesses to ensure maximum service uptime, automate application deployment and updates, and streamline running costs thanks to dynamic storage and compute resource allocation.
What is cloud migration strategy?
A cloud migration strategy is a high-level roadmap for an organization preparing to move existing on-prem or co-located workloads along with their data into the cloud. The choice of a particular strategy depends primarily on the existing infrastructure, applications to be moved, timelines, and long-term plans in relation to workload cloudification.
What are the benefits of cloud migration?
The typical benefits attributed to cloud migration include the increased flexibility of resource management, lower TCO, dramatically faster deployment of app updates and new apps, ease of integration with external services, fully automated resource allocation, and much more. It also eliminates the hassle and costs of running your own data center or renting physical servers to host your diverse application suite.
What are the cloud migration types?
There are multiple types of cloud migration as defined by different experts and companies. However, some of the most commoplace terms are Lift and Shift, Shift to SaaS, Application Refactoring, and Replatforming. These approaches differ by the degree of software modifications and the amount of efforts that an organization must invest in the process to achieve its goals.
What are cloud migration services?
Cloud migration services may include multiple activities ranging from an in-depth audit of the existing infrastructure, data sources, and business workflows, to complex ETL operations, recreation of workflows in the cloud, development of microservices and APIs for software integrations, as well as the configuration of the cloud infrastructure for optimal operation.